November 29, 2009

Forbes Riley's 10 Healthy Tips for the Holidays

During the holiday season, as many of us know only too well, attempting to eat healthy goes sailing out of the window. We tend to conveniently forget about our diet and exercise regime, and instead, take the opportunity to over-indulge in every way possible.

According to a recent Weight Watchers report, the average American gains around 7-10 pounds between Thanksgiving and New Year's Day. Then sadly when January rolls around we all feel guilty, look bloated and promise never to do THAT again.

It is not hard to understand why people fail during the holiday season. Everywhere you go there is somebody waiting to toast you with a glass of champagne or offer up a box of chocolates and that fresh pie they just baked. You feel it is too rude to refuse! And, anyway, it is the holidays... Everywhere you look from your local grocery store, to the office parties and of course, at your friends homes... Tables laden with goodies and treats you normally would never partake in... and sadly once you've crossed the line - you often throw caution to the wind and indulge to the max!

Food and festivity are a major part of the holiday season - but there are also tips and techniques to navigate through these sugar and calorie infested waters - so that you may not only be able to enjoy your parties but be able to zip your pants come January!

Here are some tips on eating and maintaining your sanity during the holiday season.....

Being health-conscious doesn't necessarily mean that you can't enjoy the holiday season but the operative goal is being conscious.
1. TAKE NOTICE - Most people just eat whatever is in front of them and this packs on the calories - usually without really enjoying the experience. Eating, especially at the holiday time should be a bit more about the wonderful flavors, textures and tastes of the food -- not how much you can gorge down your gullet! Taking a few seconds to notice your food will help you enjoy more and overindulge less.

2. PREPARE FOR BATTLE - If you're to win the battle of the bulge you must prepare for the fight. With tempting treats at ever turn, try having a little something filling before you go to the party or event. A bowl of cereal, an apple with peanut butter or even a hard boiled egg will help take the edge off your hunger and a bit of protein will keep you satisfied for a few hours. And of course, if you can drink a glass of water, this will help to initially fill you up.

3. CLEAN UP THE HOME FRONT – Now a days there is no excuse for not utilizing the many healthy ways in which food can be prepared. Instead of frying, grill your food. If you're roasting, use one of the many available low-calorie spray oils. Try steaming vegetables to retain nutrients and flavor. Make some healthy fruit desserts available in addition to all the pies and sweets

4. ITS NOT ALWAYS WHAT YOU EAT - Don't forget that alcohol is fattening too. That innocent-looking glass of sparkly wine or that small bottle of beer may look as though it will do no harm. However, alcohol contains a high sugar count and calories-lots of them! There are plenty of lower-calorie beers and wines available that can help, so opt for the healthier version whenever possible. And whenever possible fill a fancy glass with sparkling water and a slice of lime -- no one will think you're not partaking and you may end up enjoying the evening even more!

5. LEAVE WHAT YOU DON'T WANT - Despite what your parents may have drummed into you as a child, don't feel obliged to clear your plate. When you feel full, stop eating. Simple.

Sometimes managing to keep you weight under control means marching to your own drummer. Keep your standards high, and don’t expect others to be as high as yours. Remember that unlike others, you are on a journey to enjoy you holiday and this isn't your "last meal!" Don’t let their negative influence drag you down. When you’ve reached a limit, say “no, I am already stuffed” . When they offer you seconds on dessert, politely say, “no thank you, it was absolutely delicious, but I’m full, I can’t eat another bite.”Don't feel as though you have to say yes to everyone that offers you food and drink. If you're not hungry, simply say so and please don't let yourself be bullied into eating something that you don't really want.

7. BALANCE YOUR MEALS - Understanding the value of proteins and carbs can help you make great choices. Turkey and ham are great proteins while mashed potatoes, stuffing, corn AND yams are all carbs -- not to mention bread, rice and pasta! Take only 1-2 servings of carbs instead of ALL of them. Also, easy up on the dressings, sauces and gravy - all high calorie and easy to overdo.

8. STOCK UP ON HEALTHY SNACKS - One of the best ways to stop temptation is to "head it off at the pass!" Make it a habit to carry some healthy choices with you -- from a protein bar (there are hundreds of them on the market and a wide variety of flavors but read the labels) to raw,unsalted nuts (almonds and cashews are the best) and non-sulfured dried fruits like apricots and plums (sweet and hunger curbing). This is a tried and true success secret to maintain an ideal body weight.

9. EXERCISE - Don't have the time -- who does? That's why this holiday season there's the SpinGym ( A fitness product so compact, you can get in a 5 minute quick workout anywhere, anytime. It helps to burn calories, rev up your metabolism and tone your upper body - any who doesn't want to look hot in a strappy dress or tank top. It also makes a great gift instead of the traditional fruitcake or bottle of wine -- you're giving the perfect gift for the person you already knows has everything AND you're showing you care about health and fitness. Develop the habit of carrying your SpinGym with you -- it will help get you into the habit of exercising and you can continue the regime after the holiday season is over.

10. INDULGE IN GUILT-FREE PLEASURES - Sure, the holidays are about eating and drinking - but this year indulge in great conversation, take the time to volunteer and help others and spreading good will -- all of these happens to be FAT- FREE!

And finally, enjoy this holiday season. It represents something different for everyone, but at the core this is a heartfelt time for the gathering of friends, the celebration of yet another year and the anticipation of the new one. Try to limit the amount of stress you place on yourself because stress is known to cause belly fat!! So take a few breaths and be grateful for all you do have right now. Take one day at a time, remember to breathe and smile at someone else every chance you get!!

Forbes Riley is an international Fitness Expert and television personality. She will be inducted into the National Fitness Hall of Fame in 2010 for her lifelong commitment to selling health and well being products. To date Forbes has sold over $2 billion worth of fitness and wellness equipment. To find out more about Forbes Riley visit

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