October 16, 2010

Have you ever been proved wrong?

In "The Whole Truth," Jimmy and Kathryn defend and prosecute individuals without knowing with certainty if they are innocent or guilty. Their roles on opposite sides of the courtroom force them to argue for or against the defendant regardless of the truth. As revealed at the end of each show, in spite of their strong convictions about the defendant's innocence or guilty, they are often ultimately proved wrong.

Was there ever a time where you felt compelled to defend or argue against a person or cause even though you were ultimately proved wrong. Although this may happen more than any of us would like to admit we all often times get called out on our mistakes.  I have been on the receiving end of being wrong quite a few times to where someone disagreed with me and went out there way to prove it. I remember several years ago when I work in a call center environment. This particular company had some pretty strict rules but some were easily forgettable. After the end of each call each person had to say a particular line when ending each phone call with a customer.

But on several occasions, I would forget to say my line as I felt it wasn't needed with certain calls. But considering it was my job I did it even though it aggravated customers to the point of wanting to end the call before I could say my line.  One day I was just extremely out of it, with every thing that I had on my plate this particular day, I still went to work and did everything that I was suppose to (So I thought).

I could have swore that with each call I said the required line to each and every customer. Of all days my supervisor was monitoring my calls and sadly I got caught not saying what I was suppose to. I disagreed with her and I told her that I said the line with each phone call. We went back and forth for about 10 minutes then she made me sit down to let me listen to the recording. As embarrassed as I was I apologized but after listening to the tape I noticed the caller hung up before I could say it.

But my supervisor didn't want to hear it so I just took the wrong and made sure that in the future I didn't make this embarrassing mistake again.

Make sure you tune in for "The Whole Truth" on ABC Wednesdays at 10/9 C.


"I have been hired by Warner Bros WBWord division to raise awareness for 'The Whole Truth.'"

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