November 19, 2012

Reconnecting with Loved Ones this Holiday

The holiday season is supposed to be a time of celebration and togetherness, but sometimes that connection just doesn't happen. The holidays end, and we're left wondering why we didn't make contact with our loved ones like we'd intended.

Often the best way to reconnect is to plan to do so. Just waiting for the time to present itself doesn't usually work. So with a little deliberate thinking and planning, you can do a better job of reconnecting with your loved ones this holiday season.

Here are some tips

1. Christmas Cards - Dust off your fountain pen and buy a box or two of Christmas cards. These days, a hand-written card is a gift indeed, and quite personal. Many families include a family "update" or newsletter in the card, and that can be a great way to keep that connection going. Photos of the family each year also help foster connections. You can send a card with photos in it (another old-fashioned treasure in this day and age of digital photography!), or have a photo company make cards out of your family photos.

To encourage a return (connection works both ways, after all), you might include a self-addressed, stamped envelope that your loved ones can send back to you. Request they put photos or a family update in the envelope.

2. Online Connections - You can use modern means to stay connected, too. In fact, today's technology makes reconnecting with your loved ones easier than ever before. If you have a webcam, you can download Skype and have a video chat. If you have a laptop with a camera, you can even take your loved ones on a virtual tour of your home and all the decorations by carrying the laptop around while you're connected. Far-away relatives can even join you by video chat while you open presents, enjoy a meal, or decorate your home.

If live connections aren't possible, you can send videos to your loved ones via email or social media.

3. Open House - If you have loved ones who live nearby but you still find it challenging to reconnect during the holidays, you could host an open house. This kind of casual hospitality frees you and your loved ones up from having to do a lot of planning. Your role is to choose a day and approximate time, and then let your loved ones know via invitation that they are welcome to stop by anytime during that time.

If you hold an open house all day, there should be a window for just about everyone who's in town. Keep finger foods and drinks out, and encourage people to stop by whenever they can. 

Happy Holidays!


  1. I love a good open house. Some of the best yummies I've had have been at open houses.

  2. Oh, I still have to get my holiday cards done...

  3. Great ideas! My Mom does the "Open House" thing, without even knowing it. Every holiday she invites family/friends/neighbors either a day or two before the holiday or on the holiday itself (Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter), and tells everyone to stop by anytime from noon till 8pm. She has company come all throughout the day. :)

  4. We always make it a point to send out Christmas cards to friends and family that we don't get to see very often.

  5. I gave up Christmas cards along time ago we usually do the "call" thing. I don't have a large family to connect with.

  6. Hey Ty! I never thought of adding a stamped envelope with my cards. It's so sad, but nobody sends cards any more :(

  7. These are great tips! I love those Hallmark Recordable Books for kids who can't be with their grandparents or even parents. You can record your voice on the book so your child can her it when they read through the book.

  8. These are some great tips! The Holidays are a great time for family to reconnect!

  9. An open house sounds like such a great idea, that way people can make their way over on their own schedule.

  10. I like the idea of a good ol' fashion greeting card.

  11. I like Christmas cards as long as they have a photo on them.

  12. Hmm, an open house idea is interesting.

  13. I lived in a different state last Christmas (moved the day after) so I didn't see anyone until after the holidays. This year, I'm hosting a cookie sway, a neighborhood holiday party and I always send out Christmas cards!

  14. I love sending and receiving Christmas cards. Which reminds me... I need to take pictures of the kiddos and order them.

  15. I may do cards this year. It has been a few years since I have. It is about time I guess.

  16. I love the open house idea. Great tips.

  17. I agree that hand written cards mean a heck of a lot more to people!

  18. Hopefully I can get off my duff and do handwritten cards this year.

  19. I'm just in the process of ordering cards today. I love reconnecting with family & friends who live far away.

  20. Our holiday cards just arrived today! I'm excited to send them out.

  21. Love these ideas! I am reconnecting with mine this week for Thanksgiving, each year we all get together at my moms'.

  22. I especially love the idea of the open house! Thanks for the tips!

  23. I need to work on my Christmas cards.

  24. I always send out Christmas cards! I love getting the kids dressed up!

  25. I have always loved to send Christmas cards. O actually forgot last year but plan on getting some this year.

  26. I love all these ideas. We pretty much have an open house christmas it's such a great way to enjoy family and friends throughout the day.

  27. I love sending and receiving Christmas cards.

  28. I have been thinking about doing an open house.

  29. happy holidays to you and your family such helpful tips thanks for sharing

  30. Reconnecting with the family is my favorite part of the holidays. Thank you for the great tips!

  31. I love getting Christmas cards in the mail!

  32. I don't keep in touch with my son as much as I need to since he moved out west and broke my heart. I try to, but it's hard every time we talk. He's happy and I have to keep reminding myself of that. It's been a couple years and I'm not sure when I will see him again. For now, it's cards, calls, and computer.

  33. I send out tons of Christmas cards every year and I swear I get less and less back each time. It kind of makes me want to start sending less myself sometimes.

  34. Its been 4 yrs since I sent out Christmas cards. i'd really like to do that this year.
