April 5, 2013

Get In Shape For Summer -- Jenny Craig's Money Back Guarantee

Summer will be here before you know it! To help you get back into your favorite bathing suit by June, Jenny Craig has an exciting new offer – lose the weight or your money back! That's one heck of a offer, right? Jenny's promise is that once you get started on the right track, you'll see results! Which is what we all want, right? Results!  

Jenny Craig's clinically proven program combines nutrition and physical activity with a weekly personalized one-on-one consultation to help its clients eat well, move more and live life. The limited-time offer is valid through April 28 and the best part is it’s guaranteed

Since summer is coming up, that means more fruit and vegetables to choose from! Choose whole fruits with peels more often than dried fruits or fruit juices to maximize fiber and help enhance your satisfaction. To get in your exercise for the day, you don’t have to spend hours at the gym. Whether it's walking, working out to an exercise video or lifting light weights at home, three 10-minute routines add up to the 30 minutes of exercise that experts recommend you do on most days of the week. 

For more information, please visit https://www.jennycraig.com/.

Are you ready to lose weight?


  1. Interesting. I've never used Jenny Craig before.

  2. I'm not very familiar with the Jenny Craig program, but definitely need to do something to drop a few pounds.

  3. This offer is basically a guarantee that the program WILL work. How cool!

  4. Interesting. I have heard of JC... but never used them.

  5. I have always been curious about Jenny Craig. Thanks for sharing.

  6. I've heard of jenny craig but haven't heard much about their program thanks for sharing with all the choice out there selecting a good weight loss program is important

  7. Oh my gosh - I have so got to lose weight!

  8. I need to lose weight. I would love to try Jenny Craig.

  9. That is awesome they have a money back Guarantee!

  10. I'm so going to be in shape for summer! I'm vowing.

  11. I need to lose about 10 pounds!

  12. Sounds great! I'm using Kirstie Alley's Organic Liaison right now, though.

  13. I have all the baby weight (that's what I call it anyway) to lose plus my "I'm nursing I can eat anything" weight.

  14. I wonder if you can do JG while nursing?

  15. I've heard good things about JC.

  16. I've lost it all but I've heard good things about her program!

  17. Programs like this are really great for people that need the accountability.

  18. right now I'm using Weight Watchers myself.

  19. Robin {Mom Foodie}Wednesday, 10 April, 2013

    The guarantee is a great feature.

  20. I love that they have the guarantee!

  21. I would like to lose about 30 lbs, I'm currently doing P90X and eating healthy.

  22. Wow, that is really cool they are doing this.

  23. I love that they have a guarantee!

  24. I love that they are offering a guarantee if it doesn't work for you.

  25. I've heard great things about JC. I love that they offer money back.
